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Christiana Moore

Christiana Moore

From York Village in Freetown. She has one kid. She is a petty trader. She was involved in a fatal accident with one of her kids she survived but lost her son. She is very grateful and prays for God to bless you.

Fatu Kargbo

Fatu Kargbo

She is a widow with three children. She came from Kambia District. She sells bananas. She now lives in Freetown. She is about 45 to 50 years old. She speaks Krio and Limba


Agnes | from Kenema District

She is a mother of two. Since she started receiving the gifts, she has started her own petty business. She is happy and prayed for 2024 to be a blessing.

Marie Kanu

Marie Kanu

She is a widow with five children. She is from Bombali District .Few years ago, she had an accident. She now walks with support of a crutch. She sells Shea Butter at home. She speaks both Temne and Krio.

Kadiatu Mansaray

Kadiatu Mansaray

She is from Tonkonlili District. She has five children. She sells kolanut. She says she has benefited a lot from Hope for Widows. She used its to pay rent, buy kolonut and bag of rice throughout the year. She is very grateful.